Monday, August 8, 2011

A plan for the future

Hello everybody,
Hope you're all right.

Yesterday I read this (It's in this thread) :

"I don't think there will be enough "green development" in energy, food and water, or reduction in population. My own personal feeling is that the real catastrophe will happen in the late 2040s, preceded by a miserable couple of decades. But I could be wrong and it could happen in the early 2030s, or there could be a massive increase in use of green tech which provides power, lower water use, and non-traditional foods to a population that decides on two kids only and stabilizes at some high figure and stays there, sustained, without further degradation of the biosphere.
From what I can see, too little too late seems to be the rule, unfortunately. "

It isn't the first time I read that kind of thing on this forum or in the scientific journals, and even if sometimes they vary about the number of years (between 15 and 100 years, but average of 35 years I think), they're all talking about the end of our civilization, our species, our environment, ... something like that. I'm not here to define which word is the best.
Even if they don't express the same reality, these words mean that a human in 35 years will be either dead, or much more in danger than now.

Yesterday, I was the most angry I've never been, I would have like to sue every people responsible for this. But today I write this quietly. It isn't the time to sue the responsible. It isn't the time to be angry. We have to be efficient ! We've to be clever, we have to react !

Too many people are just waiting that something happen to change the habit of our civilization.
I swear : all my friends or members of my family are just waiting, by thinking "I don't pollute too much; if we all die, I can't be blamed". Even the people who don't produce any GHG, are seeming to live in a green way-of-life just for their own conscience ! If they didn't do that just for their conscience, they would move the world, they would stuck posters in the street for or something like that !
Furthermore, there is the fear. The fear of being marginal, of loosing his/her job, of loosing money, of loosing comfort, of loosing time to enjoy the life.
The fear of loosing the fight, the fear of doing this for finally nothing. I can understand this comportment. But this comportment has to change, because if we don't do more, finally it will be the same.

However, the ecological people are good. Each kilometer they make by bike instead of by car, it's something like 0,0..01 second of life more for the next generation. So it won't give us a solution, but add all these fractions of second, and we'll have more time to find a solution to our problem, so of course it's important !

I'm a teenager, and according to the prediction, I'm likely to know the "end" of the civilization as we know it. I'm quite angry that the two thousands of the most responsible people have an average age of certainly 55-60 and so won't be concerned by the end. Yes, I'm a rebellious young person, and I feel it so sad that these powerful people who could change our destiny by just one agreement, don't do it. But I won't try to sue them or something like that because I feel sorry for them. It would be paradoxical to hope for something bad for a human being when I hope for the best for all the humans by hoping for their saving, wouldn't it ?

I have try to set up a "community" to change the world, I inform and try to convince my friends (and so I'm loosing some of my wrong friends because it's not a fashionable opinion), I spend hours per day (really) to read a forum and articles about environment, and to write posts more or less good grammatically speaking, because I'm not a native english-speaker and because this english forum is the most lively I found (if you know others, contact me). I try to make the things change, with my 17-years-old person's capacities and dreams !
I don't want to know how many "calls" for that change have ever been given, but I know that maybe 10 millions of people are now calling for this. 10 millions of people who aren't corrupted by the commercial globalization, or who are aware with this corruption. 10 millions, it's few compared with 7 billions, but it's only what we have for the future.

And above, by "react" I don't mean "increase public awareness" by events or something fun and nice like that. Not at all ! This step is finished and hasn't worked : almost nothing has change. Maybe something like one 18-year-old out of 2 doesn't know what "IPCC" means.
Worst : the global pollution has never been as serious as today. The graphics, for deforestation and for GHG emissions are exponential. Day after day, it seems harder to change anything. The global growth, which has to be exponential according to a rule stated by the companies, are killing ourselves because it is made in the wrong way.

Today, we've to act in a good way ! And it could start here and now ! Here is my project. I don't want to know how many projects have been launched without any result, because this project is my best hope. I find that the general concept is the best than I can imagine but I need YOUR imagination to improve it or find alternative ones. I'll need your help. I'll need people who keep hope and who trust in a potential global change.

>>>>>>>>>>(Each point of this project can be debated !)<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Some reasons to understand why we have to do something.

1) Survival instinct :

All the humans (which mean also not-yet-borned humans) have to be allowed to blossom and to live with a quality of life (happiness) at least equal to our current quality of life.
Let's say that there is a balance between what each generation has/will have to endure (like efforts or like climate change consequences). I don't consider the past generations, because we can't change them.
I.e. our generation is enduring almost nothing (0). The next generation will have to endure the end of the civilization, of the human being really human (100). So our generation has to make an effort and endure this effort to reduce what the other generation will have to endure.
But there is an urgency-variable in the system :
Even if we decide to endure 50, the next generation will still endure 100, because it's too late. So we've to endure enough to allow the human civilization to survive, even if we endure more than any generation, and even if our quality of life (happiness) is lower than ever. Because we're only 7 billions people unhappy, for make the happiness of all the not-yet-borned humans (they're far more than 7 billions, maybe billions of billions if the human species is still alive in 10 000 PCN). We could call that the "survival instinct of our civilized species".

I know that in your capitalist world, where thinking about our fellow man is considered like a weakness, it will be difficult to think about people who don't yet exist. Of course they'll never thanks you if you do this, they'll never kick you if you don't. They are totally powerless, but it isn't a reason to let them die. If according to you actually it is a reason to let them die, read the next reasons.
A lot of people criticizing the capitalist world for its egoism don't want to move their pinkie to help the next generations, which is totally incoherent and has to be blamed ! Do efforts for them ! If you don't like the egoism of the world, why wouldn't you help them ?
“Lighting a candle is better than damning the darkness”

2) Love :

That seems quite naïve, but have you ever been loved by the one you love too ? If yes, you should now how pleasant it is, the happiness when you're looking in his/her eyes. If no, it can happen at any time. I had that's kind of love few months ago, the relation is finished now for practical reasons, but the love isn't dead, and the memories never will dead. This love is really powerful, you've such energy in your heart than you're trembling when you're close to each other, and happy.
It's maybe the best reason to do something : saving all the love that each human can bring to another, even if it's just helping an old lady to cross the road.

Of course, you're going to say "Well, it's lovely, but what about genocides ? wars ? massacres ? rapes ? murders ? struggles ? clashes ? and many many others ?
Yes humans are strange animals ... But the most/all of these acts are committed by psychologically deviant humans, due to unfairness and injustices the individual has endured (effects of a bad nasty society), or/and a cruel lack of love from his/her family when he/she was young. But when he/she borns, this human is the same as you were when you born (at least the first seconds). All his/her life depends on the context where he/she grows up. So human isn't bad (or good) when he born. He is an animal. As all animals, he can become either aggressive, or kind.
So we don't have to fight for the human species because humans are good or bad, but because they're just alive, and life worth to be lived. Each human has to have the choice of being good or being bad, and for that, he/she has to live.
They say “We can choose our friends, but we can't choose our family” to express that we're linked to group of people sometimes we don't like, but we're linked and it's like that. So, as our family, we can't choose our generation, and we can't choose our species. We've to sort it out with.

3) Economy – money – business :

For bankers, traders and business men : in 20 years, there will be the big consequences on the economy. The shortage of materials will start to be felt : fierce wars and economical deficiency will start too. This will be the beginning of the financial chaos, it will be more difficult for bankers, traders, big business men to earn money. So your comfort will decrease and your children will be unhappy.

4) Let a print in the history :

For people who would like go down in the history or any kind of gratitude : if we start it now and if later we achieve this exploit to save the next generation, you will be allowed to tell your grandchildren "I'm from THE generation which has saved the human species from the chaos" and history books will speak about you. Being the heroes of not one hundred, not one thousand, but well billions of people, absolutely by an unselfish way, quite cool isn't it ?

5) Elevating our civilization :

For people who would like a global peace, who would like that all the humans walk hand in hand, like the members of the same species should do : if this project comes to its appointed end, it is possible that the years of fighting side by side against the global warming generate a "true trust" between nations, what is lacking to our world. This "true trust" wouldn't standardize/uniform our culture, but it would create a new culture on top of the national, familial, religious culture : the human culture. The feeling of being members of the same species. Thanks to that, we could rediscover at the international scale some values like fraternity, disinterestedness, trust, value of gift, and then, the "honour".

6) Satisfaction feeling :

Furthermore, if we achieve it or not, while we've tried to achieve it, we'll have a deep satisfaction feeling, and I think we could die more in peace than if we haven't try.


(need rewording and specifying) The main goal of this project is : beating the problem which can lead to the extinction/decline of our species.

The consequences could be (read above (A.5.) Elevating our civilization) :
-The next generation wiser than the previous ones, living in harmony with the world.
-The human species becoming an advanced species, as sometimes the extraterrestrial ones are in sci-fi stories.


1) Problem or problems ?

Are there several independent problems which can lead to an extinction/decline?
Yes : there are the failure of our atmosphere, the pollution of the water, the deforestation, the overfishing, ... and many others that you can find in [URL=""]this forum[/URL].

2) Which one is the main problem ?

The main problem is the failure of our atmosphere. Because this failure lead to the global warming. It's a problem because global warming lead to climate change (rise of temperature), and climate change lead to ecosystemial perturbations, which lead themselves to adaption, which lead to the death of the less adapted beings and above all, global warming lead to the end of our "humanity" in that sense that people will stay members of the human species, but as animals (I can debate it with the skeptics ). Or maybe human species extinction, purely and simply. I can't predict this.

Are there other problems which can lead to the extinction/decline ? Yes certainly, but not as fast as the failure of our atmosphere is doing. By its global and urgent aspects and by its heavy impact, the failure of our atmosphere is the first we should have to deal with. Saving the red mexican trapdoor spiders is good. But useless if 40 years later, our atmosphere's giving the earth up, making the earth like a oven. We don't have enough time for this, it's too late.
Atmosphere is our only protection to live (more info about atmosphere [URL=""]here[/URL])

3) What are the origins of this problem ?

It's due to the abnormal concentration of GHG (GreenHouse Gases : Co2 is the better known) which makes an abnormal composition for our atmosphere, which changes its properties, which make that atmosphere of our planet is less and less a good protection for the development of life on the Earth, which means that preexistent life is going to die more or less quickly.
These abnormal concentration of GHG are due to two main things (tell me if I'm wrong) :

a) Artificial emissions of GHG (data from IPCC's synthesis report 2007):

-From what ?
Energetic supplying (25,9%), industry (19,4%), forestry (including deforestation; 17,4%), agriculture (13,5%), transport (13,1%), residential and commercial buildings (7,9%) and the waste and sewerage (2,8%)

-What kind of GHG ?
Co2 from fossil fuel (56,6%), Co2 from deforestation and biomass decomposition, etc (17,3%), CH4 (14,3%), N2O (7,9%), Co2 from others sources (2,8%), fluoride gases (1,1%).
So Co2 at 76,7% (I think). But it's more complex than that : Co2 hasn't the same effect on our atmosphere than CH4 or N2O or fluoride ... (It's per example for that kind of matter that I need the help of informed people) .

-From where ?
(data from the UN Millennium Development Indicators and from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 2008) :
USA (5 461 014/17,5220)
China (7 031 916/5,2579)
Russia (1 708 653/12,0843)
India (1 742 698/1,4751)
Japan (1 208 163/9,4912)
Germany (786660/9,5626)
Canada, Iran, UK, South Korea, Mexico, Italy, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, ...

b) Deforestation :

As you can read above, deforestation produces Co2. Why ? Because the trees (and all the photosynthesis plants) by the photosynthesis catch Co2 and transform it by the next chemical equation :

6Co2+6H20 =>(Sun light) =>6O2 + C6H12O6

So each cut down tree is an amount of Co2 non-caught which increases the concentration in the atmosphere, which makes an abnormal composition of it, etc (read above).

-Where ? (data from FAO 2000-2005) : Mainly South America, Africa and South & south-east Asia. Especially Brazil (3,1 millions hectares/year deforested) and Indonesia (1,8 million hectares/year deforested).


Here is the most interesting part of this post ...
There are two ways of acting : the legal way and the illegal way.

1) Legal/Illegal way :

I want to be clear : I'm against the illegal way. It isn't the good solution. Why ? Because per example, if you start to spray paint all the non-electric cars in your town (to make people buying electric car and so change the production of the car industry), after few weeks, you'll maybe start to wreck it because according to you there still are too much non-electric cars, so to make the people's mind change faster. And then you'll wreck it when people are inside the car (to traumatize them and make them buying electric car quickly). But what after ? You'll beat them ?
Getting over the line of illegality isn't the right thing to do, because it's opening the door for the extremism.

Furthermore, in the people's mind, ecologists will seem as the bad ones, and so the conservative anti-ecologists as the good ones. So the ecologists would loose their credibility.

That's why we have to choose a legal way.


1) International context :

As the global warming is a global problem, we've to deal with it at a global scale. First, to keep the international balance. Because if only USA, Canada, UK, France or Germany start to be ecologist, their economy will be weaker than the other (till the end of the petroleum age at least), and their will be nothing to I.e. fend off the imperialist commercial ambitions of China (still led by the current party). So we should study the consequences of each decision who could disturb the economy of the country, and so the international balance.
That's why we should create party in each very polluting and powerful country.
Then, to be efficient: if party is create in only one country, it won't change almost anything, because polluting companies will just have to relocate.

2) How to have the power to change the world ?

Generally, the ethics-less capitalists (because there exist also ethicsful capitalists, and even ecologist-capitalists) have the influent jobs, the powerful positions in the industries and commerces worldwide and often/sometimes, in the governments. That's because generally, they're the « true » capitalists, well productive because not carrying about people and about the ecology.
But don't forget another origin of power : the People ! (Look at what happens in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Morocco, ...)

So the truly ecologists have to use these sources of power.

a) In the industries and commercial, it's quite difficult to reach a powerful job (isn't it ? share your ideas). But, we could increase industrials and commercials awareness about the gravity of the situation, by personal talks to convince them to become an ecological company, or by subsidies. I'm sure it could be possible to change the mind of the biggest ethics-less capitalists in the world, if you touch him/her deeply, straight in his/her heart.

We could create ecological companies, and with a good business plan, motivated managers and workers, make them of vital importance for the country in 5 years, by true solidarity between every created companies. And this network of companies will have to be self-sufficient, because if they depend of a capitalist company, it could make us complete failure.
Ecology is a good source of business. And it will be better when people realize that's vital to be more ecologist.

If benefits are quite enough and than the network budget can devote an large amount of money to buy preexistent companies, it should do, and turn it into ecological companies.

b) In the governments worldwide, by electing. There is a lot of democratic countries where it's "easy" to create a party (easier than in North Korea i.e. I mean). If we create a plan suitable for each country (financed by the companies I was talking above), with a good popular propaganda, this party can have a seat in the parliament at the first election. If the people are well informed about the situation (without make them afraid or hopeless, to avoid chaos), and if a quite strong ecological party is created in each priority country, we have a chance to achieve the project.
We can use also the ecological party preexistent.

But well, the most of the parties are supported by lobbies. And ecological lobby (if it only exists?) is certainly 100 times weaker than industrial one. So even if we can create a party, even if this party win the election, after that, we'll have to deal with the industrial lobby, which will be frustrated because it won't be the "master" of the country. I don't know if the multinational companies and the other parties are working like in the movies (i.e. by using professional killers), but if they do, if/when we arrive at this point of the project we could be really in danger.

How to make the people voting for this party ? As the economic exponential growth isn't the most important criteria, I hope it will be easier to give a better level of quality of life (to rich ones and poor ones) as to promote a 100% green way-of-life. Actually, I hope that if we don't need to obey to the industrial lobby, we could easier listen to the people needs. And people need, among other things, a bearable Earth.

When we're at the top of the power, we won't be allowed to make any error. And opposite parties can try to make the ecologist party falling down.

Creating inter-dependent parties in several countries can look like Eastern Bloc. But here there isn't any imposed government ! This won't be a dictatorship.
What the ecologist project has in common with the URSS, is the fact that it tries to change the entire world. The ecologist project doesn't try to beat the capitalism. It tries to make it cleaner and greener.
And as the history has shown with the URSS, when something quite powerful trying to change the world habits (in a good or a bad way), all the world tries to make it falling down. So we'll have to face it.

What makes me thinking that our parties will be elected ? The solidarity of the network and ambitious but feasible suitable electoral plans.

c) Then the People : by non-profit organizations, we can increase the public awareness, like there is already for years now, like, Greenpeace, etc etc ...
It's the easier way to have power. It's the necessary but weaker power. Necessary, because without it, in 5 years maybe people will be revolted. Weaker because it will be difficult to convince a number of people big enough to change the industry and the government.
I don't know if these new non-profit organizations have to be politically implicated, because if they are, they'll maybe loose their credibility. They would be considered like "propaganda tools" and not like organizations (let's discuss about this).

If we're able to bring together something like 3, 4 or even 5% of the population of each country (between 12 and 70 years old) around these organizations, revolution can start (peacefully, but really annoying for industries and government, if we know which factories/offices are vital for them).
Could you imagine what can do 1 million of people united for the same aim when it's well organized ?

3) Synthesis of the project :

To cut a long story short, what I propose is to create a global self-sufficient network stretching over 3 main departments - politic one, industrial/commercial one and popular one - and over 2 main levels - international and national (so a third one : local, to spread the idea). (We'll need lawyers to know whether we can bring political parties from different countries together or whether we'll have to create a new alliance. It's the same for the law of markets : isn't it illegal to favour our companies and to not deal with the polluting ones ?).

The network would consult an association of experts for each decisions.

The advantage of this project, what makes him different from other ones in my point of view, is its scale and its relations between the 3 departments, which make it strong if well managed, organized and coordinated. Furthermore, I think that acting in politics and in industries within the same framework has never been done.

We will have to manage the upsurge of the extremism. Which will be a challenge too.


Hope, time, energy, courage, motivation, ... and in more practical terms :

-Money (unfortunately) from gift and sponsors at the beginning (a good beginning with good sponsors is the key for a good success). Later, we could launch worldwide gifts campaigns, meet in person the richest ones to convince them, hope that companies will give to us to make their own publicity, maybe subsidies from 'unconquered” countries

-Up-to-date data for GHG emissions (and deforestation)
-Data about what is already existing like organizations, political parties, industries that we could use/be helped by.

And aware, clever and motivated people like :
-Thousands of motivated employees to run the industries/commerces (managers, workers, security guards, ... )
-A goodly number of citizens to do the local "propaganda".
-(Best) biologists, physicists and environmentalist scientists; to know our enemy (the global warming).
-(Best) political scientists from each countries, to know how create a party and the political habits.
-(Best) sociologists, to know how to make the political plan. And to know many other interesting things.
-(Best) international relations experts, to know the evolution of the international balance.
-(Best) lawyers in several fields and for several countries, to know what's legal and what isn't.
-(Best) economists and (best) people from the economic and business' world, to know the economical consequences of our decisions, to run the companies in a right way, to have the perfect business plan.
-(Best) communication experts, for set up the "propaganda" of the project and for the parties.
-Charismatic people to convince the big bosses of this world to become ecologist.

- And friends.

= maybe 300 000 people worldwide ? And thousands of (best) experts in their fields. It depends on till where this project is going, how many companies, how many parties, ...
But it could be the biggest grouping of implicated people for a common cause that ever existed.

Why do I want "Best" experts to organize it ? Because we can't suffer any failure, any defeat ! We'll have only one trial, after, most of people will be hopeless, and it will be too late : the global change will have won.

We've to find quickly a 100% green way-of-life, we've to find ways to allowed the human species to live like human but without pollute anymore, we've to change almost everything in the world, like a new age, not dark grey anymore, but very green. We could be the last generation of “dark grey” age, and by the same, the first generation of the green one. We've to start this age, to start the sunrise of a green new day for the human species. We're the last generation which can make the world changing. So we've to change ! We have to be the generation of the green sunrise of the human species, because we're maybe the last one of this species ! And with the power, yes, we can !

>>>>>>>>>>(Each point of this project can be debated !)<<<<<<<<<<<<<


I have put forward my strategy to change. I'm waiting for reaction. Even if you don't agree, if you don't want take part to this “adventure of the last chance”, share it with your acquaintances to let them choose and give their opinions. If each human on the Earth could have an idea of the project, it would be a big step forwards. Let this project a chance.

I need your sharing it, I need your imagination, I need your intelligence, I need your ideas, I need your motivation, I need your confidence, I need your trust, I need your help to concretize it.
But personally I've nothing to give you back, except my gratitude, my hope and the promise that if we achieve it, all that it's in the power of "simple" people will have been made to change the world, despite of the result.

The three latest centuries have been devoted to spreading the Freedom and improving the human Dignity. How many fights have been in the name of these values ?
We're now fighting for Life ! The essential condition to have the choice between fighting for the human Dignity or not. The essential condition to be aware of something extraordinary precious : the feeling of existence . We're existing, we're in the reality. Don't believe that dying is like waking up, we don't know what happens ! How many people don't have any sense to their life ?

We have to fight for this, not because if we don't we're going to die, but because it's our responsibility as aware being-lived. Even if we can think “well, the Life would be better without human species”, that's wrong because no species has to disappear because Life would be better without, because it's Life which makes all the species, and human species isn't as different from other ones as what a lot of people are thinking.

Some of you are certainly thinking "Too cute ! It seems like a little mouse ... crying because trapped. How naïve it is. It finds a poetic name and it wants to save the world like an heroes ! It's pitiful sight, isn't it ?"
I don't care, really.
Most of you are between 30 and 50 years old, so you won't live till “the End”. It's quite normal that some of you don't care, because you aren't concerned. I can't bear a grudge against them. You want to be happy and it's quite normal.
Some other ones are just thinking “It is fool” or “It is still living with its childish dreams of a perfect world”
Yes my heart works with my childish dreams, yes I remember all of my childish fears. But I've also the rebellion instinct peculiar to teenagers and young adults who aren't yet hopeless and corrupted by the society. I've also a survival instinct, the same instinct that a lot of people have loose with time because society of comfort has lessened it.

But I'm sure that some of us care about the future generation, care about young people and want to save them from a sure death, even if they seem more aggressive than before. And if they're more aggressive than before, it's actually because they don't have any sense for their life, so they listen the first message that the degenerate society send them day after day by the media : CONSUME ! BUY ! PAY ! AND DIE IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY,TRAMP! DIE IF YOU AREN'T LIKE IN THE ADVERTISEMENT, LOOSER!
Give them an other message for their life ! Like LIVE ! LOVE ! THINK ! READ ! Give them hope for the next decades.

Young people from the next generation are sentenced to die for a crime committed by theirs judges and theirs executioners ! And WE ARE these executioners. But we're the judges so we can do something to change it.
I think that I can say, in the name of every young people of the planet : we don't want to die, and we don't want let us dying.

If you find it interesting, a good basis for doing something, if you find it cool, if you find it almost goof, if you want to discuss about this, if you want more explanations, I'm totally available, and I just excuse me ahead for my bad english. I can explain more each phrase I've written and I'm ready to do this.

To contact me :

Generation of Green Sunrise – Gogs –

Facebook profile :

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Furthermore, here is a summary for what I've to find quickly :
-Forums about ecology (as big as possible)
-Another potential origin from the failure of our atmosphere (I know GHG and deforestation, which are linked)
-Ideas to get powerful jobs
-2010 data for GHG emissions

Thanks for reading (till the end ^^). Thanks for reacting. Thanks for sharing. Keep hope.

And goodbye ;)


  1. Hello,
    The idea is still "debated" here :

  2. Thanks to other ones' advising, the form of this project is significantly changed, but its aim stays the same.


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