Saturday, July 30, 2011

CALL FOR DATA and table review

Good morning, afternoon, evening everybody,

The latest post (General table of Co2 emissions) has been made with data from 2008 (it's writen in the title of each column). We're in 2011. For 3 years and 1 (or 2) big crisis, a lot of things have moved, notably the Co2 emissions !  So feel free to send me more recent checked data from checked sources (I can check myself) at

In this table, you have the figures for the 192 fully independant countries in 2008 (so not South Sudan i.e.) and some of the non-fully-independant or contested states of the world, such as Gibraltar (these ones are at the end of the table).
You'll find them probably quite useless because of the outdated data, but this is the most up-to-date figures I found out.
Why this table ? Because I need it to make rankings in the near future and because I think that having a global idea of what approximately happens and where is interesting. Incidentally, personnally, I find it clearer than the tables in the source-website.

Don't hesite to share and support this blog ! Bye;)

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